Blog - I am Stobbs

Lest we forget… - the power of historic brands

Written by Lucy Cundliffe | February 17, 2017
When approaching trade marks and brands from a legal and commercial perspective, it is easy to become preoccupied with how they serve businesses and brand owners.  But what about the consumer experience of brands?  For ordinary people, is it only about identifying origin, repeat purchasing, and marketplace navigation?

Of course, it is all of these things.  Trade marks are the symbols around which consumers organise all the ideas, feelings and experiences associated with brands.  Trade marks are time-saving devices, short-cuts to an understanding and appreciation of a product or service.  But they are also part of the fabric of everyday experience in the developed world and, like the (r)evolution of fashion or architectural styles, the rise and fall and evolution of brands can orientate us in a particular time or place.  On many levels, their presence is grounding and comforting.

We learned recently that Ipswich Hospital has been drawing on precisely this kind of brand power to help dementia patients on their Woodbridge ward (see here).  The hospital has created an old-fashioned shop front containing boxes and tins of household and food products in their vintage get-up.  Patients report feeling soothed by the presence of these familiar brands and objects from times past, which may feel safer than the present day.

This is heart-warming reminder that the role trade marks play in our society runs much deeper than encouraging consumers to reach into their pockets.  As repositories not just for commercial experience but also for human experience and nostalgia, they are signposts and page-markers in the intricate narrative of our lives.

Stobbs has extensive experience of managing some of the most prominent brands of our time.  Do not hesitate to get in touch if you think we could help to ensure that your brand enjoys a long and happy life.