Brand owners with interests in Qatar will be pleased to hear that the country has just acceded to the Madrid System for international trade marks.
The Madrid System greatly simplifies the application process. Currently, national applications need to be filed to cover Qatar and the formalities are not straightforward with a Power of Attorney that has been legalised up to the Qatari Consulate required, along with a Certificate of Incorporation or Chamber of Commerce certificate. This won’t be necessary under the international route.
Furthermore, the Qatari Trade Marks Office requires separate payment of application and registration fees. The fees under the Madrid System, however, can be expected to be collected in a single payment, and although we can anticipate Qatar having some of the highest individual fees of the various members, making one payment is administratively easier.
In the event of a Provisional Refusal, we expect there will be a need for a legalised Power of Attorney to appoint a local agent to file a response. We do not anticipate a particularly high rate of Provisional Refusals from Qatar though but avoid including alcoholic drinks in Classes 32 and 33 as these should be objected to.
Qatar follows its wealthy Gulf neighbours, Bahrain, Oman and the United Arab Emirates in joining Madrid. Qatar's population is small, but it boasts a good standard of living and is wielding influence politically and in the world of sport. Its airport is a popular transit point.
Qatar will become available to designate in an International application or as a subsequent designation from 3 August.